Jonathan Swinger

Musician, Photographer, Video Editor

Program Expertise:
•After Effects
•Ableton Live

Language Experience:
•Ae Expression Script (JS)
•Google Apps Script (JS)

Audio & Music

Song master of "A Constellation's First Breath" by TOFIE (BGM for C9 Vienna)

Song master of "Eternal Spring" by TOFIE
from her debut album
"Daughter of the Earth"

"Skyline", an original composition.

Song master of "Hold On" by Asseri
released on Tiny Waves

Remix of "Impetus"/"Strength" (with Ben Briggs) from Bit Trip Runner, for the video game "Fraymakers"

LoFi remix of "The Streets of Whiterun"

Video & Animation

DELTARUNE Ch. 2 Remixed:
Smart Race

Animated for Vector U, Tiny Waves, & Firaga Records.
(Walkthrough video)

Needlemouse Mania

Animated for RoBKTA & Firaga Records.
(Walkthrough video)

AeLyricTool Demonstration

AeLyricTool is an Ae template project I designed to easily animate lines of text using a single keyframe.
It was coded in the Ae expression system, with adding lyrics/subtitles in mind.

Looping animations created for the Spotify Canvas feature (Tiny Waves, Firaga Records)

Lyric video for LilyPichu & VGR (pixel art/animation by Inxanity)

Video template for High Tide LoFi & Curaga Records

Compositing/post production for the "Even Heat" music video from Nick Newhouse and Mad Zoo

Lyric video and environment effects for TOFIE (artwork animation by KJOEE)

Animation and visualizer for VGR

Product Photography

© Jonathan Swinger. All rights reserved.


© Jonathan Swinger. All rights reserved.